Avatar: The Last Airbender is the critically acclaimed animated series featured on the channel Nickelodeon. Created by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko this anime-esque American made show was a hit throughout its run time from 2005 to 2008. Encompassing the genes of action/adventure, fantasy, comedy and drama this show captivated children and adults alike. Critical reception for the show is still positive with continued discussion on whether it should be considered an anime work, namely because of the featured Asiatic-like world and the anime-American art style blend. The show details the lives of part of the population who area able to “bend” elements using a complex type Chinese martial arts. These psychokinetic powers are restricted to one element per group of people, with the characters of the show traveling to meet members of East Asian, Inuit, Southeast Asian, South Asian, and New World societies. The plot centers around the politics and warring people from the Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and the Air Nomads. Crown Prince Zuko is the son of the Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa, and rightful air to the ruler of the Fire nation. An incredibly powerful Firebender himself, he is able to create and manipulate flame. Before the events of the show, as a child he opposes the sacrifice of fire nation soldiers under the battle plans of a fire nation general. His father ordered him to face the general in a ritual duel because of his opposition. But instead of facing the general, his father faces him in combat, scarring his face and exiling him from the fire nation and his home. Accompanied by his wise uncle Iroh, he raises and tutors Zuko in the ways of firebending. Believing that he will be forgiven by his father if he captures Aang, he tries to apprehend the Avatar and deliver him to his father. He represents one of the main antagonists of Aang, Katara and Sokka throughout the series.
Zuko Costume: The Basics
Zuko Costume: Accessories
Zuko Costume: Fire Lord Ozai
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