Introduced as the main antagonist and self-proclaimed “Jedi Hunter” of the Empire, the enigmatic Inquisitor is the villian of the first season of the new hit animated series Star Wars: Rebels. His sole mission it to pursue and capture former Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus and his new padawan learner Ezra Bridger. With a pallid complexion and facial markings that are reminiscent of Clive Barker, this character steals whatever scene he is present in. He is a male of the species Pau’an, and utilizes the dark side to kill any Jedi he finds. Proclaiming that he is the best at tracking down and capturing the few remaining Jedi in the galaxy, our band of Rebel warriors continually elude him. After the takeover of the Galactic Empire the Inquisitor was tasked with eliminating any remaining Jedi, and once this was complete his new mission was to force convert or kill any force sensitive children. In comes the main character of the series, a powerful force-sensitive teen named Ezra who seeks revenge on the empire after the kidnapping and presupposed death of his parents. Leaving his an orphan at a young age, he was welcomed by the Rebel crew of the Ghost ship. Together they get into adventures opposing the empire and helping any that would support their cause.
Leaving us with the cryptic but terror filled final words of “There are some things far more frightening than death.”
The Inquisitor’s fell to his death at the hands of Kanan Jarrus at the end of season one of Star Wars: Rebels.
The Inquisitor Costume: The Basics
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