The Red Hood premiered in DC comics in 1951. Originally created as a criminal visage for the one and only joker, the large red dome helmet and red cape evolved into a breathing apparatus when he dove into a vat of chemicals escaping the notorious Batman. When Judd Winick wrote an alternative version of the Joker origin story, the Red Hood character took on new depth as the resurrected version of Jason Todd. After being killed by the Joker in A Death in the Family, Todd was resurrected by Talia Al Ghul using the Lazarus Pit. Becoming a darker version of the Robin figure, Todd rules the streets of Gotham violently stopping drug and gang crime. Turning even darker in the Batman and Robin story arc, Todd becomes even more violent leaving a calling card reading “let the punishment fit the crime” after each slaying.
Red Hood Costume: The Basics
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