Game of Thrones is the name of the massively popular HBO TV show created after the Sone of Fire and Ice book series. Written by George R.R. Marten, he has become an icon for fantasy novelists and the concept that no-one is safe. Known for its incredibly story, brutality and plot twisting events, this series gained massive popularity seemingly overnight after being adapted to a live-action platform. With stunning locations the show has been filmed in Northern Ireland, Croatia, Iceland, Morocco, Spain, Malta, Scotland, and the United States. Premiering on April 17, 2011, it has continued to gain fans for its five seasons, with at least two more planned. Set in the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, the game of thrones depicts several ruling families from the seven kingdoms and their back-stabbing, manipulative and brutal efforts to secure the iron throne for themselves. These families include members from House Lannister, Stark, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Targaryen, Tyrell, Tully, Bolton and more to come. Awards granted to this show include several Primetime Emmy Award nomination for Outstanding Drama Series for its first four seasons, Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Television Series in the category of Drama, Peabody Award, and a Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation in both Long Form and Short Form.

Melisandre, or better known as the Woman in the Red Dress have become a beautiful, dangerous and enigmatic figure in the Game of Thrones world. Serving the “Lord of Light” she is the leader of a cult the demands frequent sacrifices in the form of burning people alive at the stake. Since her introduction into the plot of game of thrones she has been responsible for the death of Stannis’ younger brother Renly Baratheon and has been a central figure in Stannis’ efforts to secure the iron throne for himself. Since the conclusion of the most recent season, fans are hoping that her presence at Castle Black will affect the untimely fate of the loved Jon Snow.

Melisandre Costume: The Basics

Melisandre Costume Set.

Melisandre Costume Set.

Melisandre Costume Wig.

Melisandre Costume Wig.

Melisandre Costume Cape.

Melisandre Costume Cape.

Melisandre Red Dress.

Melisandre Red Dress.

Melisandre Costume Red and Gold Necklace.

Melisandre Costume Red and Gold Necklace.

Melisandre Costume Red Bootie Boots.

Melisandre Costume Red Bootie Boots.

LED Hand Torch.

LED Hand Torch.

The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors Necklace.

The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors Necklace.

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