Gravity Falls is the title of a hit animated series created by award winning animator Alex Hirsch for the Disney channel. Since it’s airing in Summer 2012 the show has won the teen choice award for animated TV show, best main title theme music, outstanding individual achievement in animation, and best animated production for a child audience. Following the summer adventures of twin siblings Dipper and Mabel Pines, the show chronicles their comical and sometimes supernatural themed events during their time at camp. With Dipper voiced by Jason Ritter and Mabel voiced by Kristen Schaal, there is no wonder this show accrued a cult-like following of all ages in a short amount of time.
When choosing to cosplay as a character from Gravity Falls, going with a Mabel Pines Costume will be very easy. Primary costume items include her loose fitting turtleneck sweater, shooting star sweater patch, matching headband, purple mini skirt and black flats. Secondary costume items include different color options for her sweater (either dark pink or light red), long brown wig and ankle high white socks. Below we have provided all the necessary items to dress up as Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls!
Mabel Pines Costume: The Basics
Mabel Pines Costume: Accessories
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