Dawn of Justice Batman Costume: The Basics
Creating your own Dawn of Justice Batman Costume featured in the recent movie Batman vs. Superman will be a darker take on the classic Gotham knight! The steps are simple, start with your choice of a base batman bodysuit and armored options and you’ll be ready to defend humanity against the most powerful of unwanted outsiders!
Primary costume items include your choice of base Batman bodysuit and armor options. Optional additional items include the movie and other merchandise.
Dawn of Justice Batman Character Costume: The Options
Rubie’s Men’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Grand Heritage Batman Costume.
Rubie’s Men’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Deluxe Batman Armored Costume.
Rubies BvS Batman Overhead Foam Adult Latex Mask with Cowl.
BATMAN BRACER GAUNTLET Dawn of Justice DoJ Latex Gloves Adult.
Rubie’s Men’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Batman Gauntlets.
Rubies BvS Batman Adult Full Mask.
Rubie’s Men’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Batman Belt.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Batman Batarangs.
Super Hero Star Trek Firefly Captain Pirate Steampunk Gothic Batman Star Wars Mens Boots.
Western Steampunk Pirate Final Fantasy Cosplay Anime Halloween Avengers Star Trek Men’s Boots.
Rubies BvS Batman Grappling Gun.
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice: Tech Manual Hardcover.
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