Introduced in the Star Wars during the first prequel movie, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom menace, he is quickly established as the main antagonist of the film. He was the first apprentice to the Sith Lord Sidious. His initial appearance sparked a large fan base due to his unique tattoos and double bladed lightsaber. A member of the species Zabrak. his home world is the mystical planet of Dathomer, also home to the Nightsisters. Within Episode I, he pursues Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi as they try to reveal if the Sith have returned to power in the galactic empire. Prior to the start of the clone wars, suspicion runs rampant through the Jedi council as to whether their greatest enemy has re-emerged in a time of peace. The character of Darth Maul was portrayed by the well known acrobat Ray Park and voiced by Peter Serafinowicz in the regrettably few lines he had on screen.
Largely due to the fan-made popularity of the character he returns in the hit animated series, Star Wars: Clone Wars as a broken crazed shell of the Sith he once was. He was introduced after being found by his older brother Savage Opress on Lotho Minor, crazed and half man, half mechanical spider. Bringing him back to Dathomer, Mother Talzin restores Maul’s body with mechanical legs and much of his original strength. A central villain of the Nightsisters saga and continuing with his brother, Savage Opress, Maul reaps havoc across the galaxy drawing in the one who took it all from him, Obi-Wan Kenobi. In a final stand off between the Jedi on the planet of Mandalore, Maul kills Kenobi’s love, Satine and in-prisons the now broken Kenobi. Now in control of the planet, the Zabrak brothers draw too much attention to their new found power, leading to the discovery of Sith Lord Sidious. In an epic finale battle, Savage is killed by the Dark Lord and Maul is tortured but kept alive for some unknown purpose.

Darth Maul Costume: Adult Basics

Darth Maul Costume Adult.

Darth Maul Costume Adult.

Star Wars Darth Maul  Muscle Costume Set.

Star Wars Darth Maul Muscle Costume Set.

Darth Maul Shirt, Cap and Makeup Kit.

Darth Maul Shirt, Cap and Makeup Kit.

Darth Maul Latex Mask Adult.

Darth Maul Latex Mask Adult.

Darth Maul Adult Deluxe Latex Mask.

Darth Maul Adult Deluxe Latex Mask.

Darth Maul Angry Mask.

Darth Maul Angry Mask.

Black Face Paint.

Black Face Paint.

Red Face Paint.

Red Face Paint.

Upper Jaw Fake Teeth.

Upper Jaw Fake Teeth.

Lower Jaw Fake Teeth.

Lower Jaw Fake Teeth.

Darth Maul Costume Cosplay.

Darth Maul Costume Cosplay.

Sith Robe.

Sith Robe.

FX Double-Bladed Detachable Lightsaber.

FX Double-Bladed Detachable Lightsaber.

Maul Light Up Lightsaber.

Maul Light Up Lightsaber.

Black Sith Boots.

Black Sith Boots.

Black Belt Bundle.

Black Belt Bundle.

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