Lovingly nicknamed “Tink” by her best friend and everlasting companion Peter Pan, this fictional fairy has been around since her first novelization in 1904. Becoming popular with the Disney adaptation of the Peter Pan story in 1953, what was first described as “a common fairy” she has become the unofficial trademark animated figurehead of Disney Studios. Clad in a green mini dress, green and white pom pom shoes, adorable little wings, and a blonde up-do, she has been a flying, flitting favorite for generations. Originally created by the light reflected from a mirror and the tinkling sound of a bell, she leads Peter Pan through Neverland carefully avoiding the clutches of the dreadful Hook. Accompanying him on his adventures, Tinker Bell is a friend to all of the lost boys, and eventually the Darling family. Portrayed by the one and only Julia Roberts in the Robin Williams adaptation of the fairy tale, she has come a long way from her non speaking role in the 1950’s. Now the star of her own franchise of spin off movies, Tinker Bell is loved by every little girl who dreams of winged adventures among the flowers. Creating your own Tinker Bell costume will not be that difficult. She is the perfect addition to a cast of rowdy lost boys or for fans of the Peter Pan story. See below for our suggestions for Tinker Bell Costume cosplay guides. Whether you want to be a cute Tink, a sexy fairy, or going for the classic green look, we have it all.

Tinker Bell Costume: Classic Tink

Strapless Green Leotard.

Strapless Green Leotard.

Green Leaf Skirt.

Green Leaf Skirt.

Tinker Bell Adult Blonde Wig.

Tinker Bell Adult Blonde Wig.

Green Ribbon (for hair).

Green Ribbon (for hair).

Wooden Wand.

Wooden Wand.

Tinker Bell Blue Wings.

Tinker Bell Blue Wings.

Nude Color Panty Hose.

Nude Color Panty Hose.

Green Flats with White Feather Puff.

Green Flats with White Feather Puff.

Green Ballet Flats.

Green Ballet Flats.

Large White Pom Poms.

Large White Pom Poms.

Tinker Bell Costume: One Sexy Fairy, Classic and Complete Costume Sets

Tinker Bell Classic Disney Set.

Tinker Bell Disney Set.

Tinker Bell Classic Costume Set.

Tinker Bell Classic Costume Set.

Tinker Bell Sequin Dress.

Tinker Bell Sequin Dress.

Adult Neverland Tink.

Adult Neverland Tink.

Tinker Bell Adult Rainbow Costume.

Tinker Bell Adult Rainbow Costume.

Deluxe Costume Set.

Deluxe Costume Set.

Rainbow Costume Deluxe Set.

Rainbow Costume Deluxe Set.

Neverland Tink Costume.

Neverland Tink Costume.

White Fairy Wings.

White Fairy Wings.

Lime Glitter Tights.

Lime Glitter Tights.

Silver Star Wand.

Silver Star Wand.

Green Suede Comfortable Flats.

Green Suede Comfortable Flats.

Green Glitter Ballet Flats.

Green Glitter Ballet Flats.

Green Glitter Heels.

Green Glitter Heels.

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