Introduces in the Star Wars animated show, Clone Wars, this character is a Zabrak, similar to another fan favorite Sith. Created by Asajj Ventress and the Nightsisters of Dathomer, Savage Opress became Count Duku’s apprentice to gain his trust before Asage could reap her revenge. The strongest of the Nightbrothers, the male inhabitants of the planet Dathomer, he was infused with the magic of the Queen of the Nightsisters, a shamen named Mother Talzin, to become a raging, killing beast. After infiltrating the Separtist forces and getting close to Count Duku, Asajj made her move and launched into a battle with the Sith Lord. Betraying his creator after discovering that Count Duku was too strong, even for the combined power of himself and Asajj, he fled back to Dathomer. Seeking the council Mother Talzin, she instructed him to find his long lost Dathomirian brother, who was another former Sith apprentice (pause for dramatic effect). Searching out his brother takes Savage to Lotho Minor, where he finds the insane remains of the long exiled Maul. Wreaking havoc across the galaxy, the brothers make their way to Mandalore to reap revenge on Obi-Wan Kenobi through killing his love, Satine the Duchess of Mandalore. As word spreads of their presence, Darth Sidious takes notice. In an epic finale battle, Savage is killed by the Dark Lord and Maul is tortured but kept alive for some unknown purpose.
Savage Opress Costume: The Basics
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