Kill la Kill is a popular Japanese TV series made in the anime style of art. The series was created by a company titled Trigger and was the first independent original series produced by the company. Under the supervision of director Hiroyuki Imaishi and writer Kazuki Nakashima they both drew on previous experience working on Gurren Lagann. The series premiered in Japan in 2003 and ran until 2014. As a TV show, it reached U.S. markets in February 2015 with an adaptation of the manga released in 2013.

The story chronicles the adventures of a young schoolgirl named Ryuko Matoi and her search for her father’s murderer. This brings her directly in the path of violent altercations with another girl named Satsuki Kiryuin, who just happens to be the student council president of Ryuko’s mothers legacy. Her mother created a fashion empire titled Honnouji Academy, which is where Satsuki attends.

Creating your own Kill la Kill costume will be fun and creative. Typical for the Japanese style of anime, the character guides we have provided entail variations of school girl outfits and ornate fighting garb.

Ryuko Matoi Costume: The Basics

School Girl Dress.

Ryuko Matoi Costume School Dress.


Ryuko Matoi Costume Boots.

Black Cosplay Set.

Ryuko Matoi Black Cosplay Set.

Ryuko Cosplay Set.

Ryuko Cosplay Set.


Ryuko Matoi Costume Black and Red Wig.

Blood Costume.

Ryuko Matoi Costume Blood Costume.

Battle Blood Set.

Battle Blood Set.

Red and Black Boots.

Red and Black Boots.

Scissor Sword.

Red Scissor Sword.

Red Sword Set.

Red Sword Set.

Purple Sword.

Purple Sword.

Black Sword.

Black Sword.

Figma Figure.

Figma Figure.

Nendoroid Figure.

Nendoroid Figure.

Kill La Kill Jacket.

Kill La Kill Jacket.

Cosplay Hoodie.

Cosplay Hoodie.

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