Pre Vizsla is the Mandalorian leader of the terrorist group The Death Watch during the animated series Star Wars: Clone Wars. A native of planet Mandalore, he seeks to overthrow the leader Duchess Satine Kryze because of her passive political beliefs. Although when he is initially introduced he appears to be a supporter of Satine. A fellow politician, he was originally the governor of Concordia, a moon of Mandalore. Describing his feelings toward the Duchess to Obi Wan Kenobi “For generations, my ancestors fought proudly as warriors against the Jedi. Now, that woman tarnishes the very name Mandalorian. Defend her, if you will.” After instigating widespread violence across the capitol city he forced his way into power saying that he would protect the people by any means necessary. He was eventually killed in a one on one combat battle with Darth Maul when he and his brother Savage invaded Mandalore to lure out Obi Wan Kenobi.

A perfect synopsis of his character can be described in his own introductory lines in the series: “I am Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla. Death Watch is here to save you from these intergalactic gangsters that threaten our great city. This is a war, and we will win. Join me, and let us defend Mandalore against the criminals. We need action, not pacifism!”
―Pre Vizsla, to the people of Mandalore

Pre Vizsla Costume: The Basics

Pre Vizsla Costume

Pre Vizsla Costume

Pre Vizsla Sword.

Pre Vizsla Sword.

Pre Vizsla Gun.

Pre Vizsla Gun.

Pre Vizsla Inflatable Jetpack.

Pre Vizsla Inflatable Jetpack.

Pre Vizsla Statue.

Pre Vizsla Statue.

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