Colonel Nicholas Joseph “Nick” Fury was created by Jack Kirby and writer Stan Lee, first appearing in Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos number one in 1963. Originally a World War II hero, he was created from the influence of James Bond type spies in a time where espionage was critical. Most popularly played by actor Samuel L. Jackson, Nick Fury remains a fan favorite hero and sometimes antihero. As a character Nick Fury has been ranked number thirty-three in IGN’s Top 100 Comic Book Heroes in 2011.
Nick Fury is the consummate spy. His costume consists of a long black coat, either a tailored rain coat or leather full jacket, his iconic eye patch and assortment of black-colored tactical gear. You can further customize his costume by adding his dual-holster shoulder hand gun accessory, right thigh gun holster and options of SHIELD patches that we have provided below. But in any variation, one thing must be consistent, the sarcasm and sense of humor of the one and only, Samuel L. Jackson.
Nick Fury Costume: The Basics
Plantronics Discovery 975 Bluetooth Headset.
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