Jedi Master Mace Windu is an iconic part of the Star Wars Universe. Played by none other than actor Samuel L. Jackson in the prequel trilogy, he was a powerful and respected member of the Jedi council throughout the Clone Wars. When interviewed about his role, Jackson told David Letterman that he specially requested a purple lightsaber with a gold hilt as a condition for appearing in the movies. Also because he wanted his character to be “unique and easily distinguishable.” As a character he was present when Qui-Gon Jinn first brought the child Anakin Skywalker before the Jedi council to request him be instructed in the ways of the force. Initially rejecting Qui-Gon’s request the council decided to take in the child after the discovery of Darth Maul and with him, the return of the Sith. Always distrustful of Anakin, his reticence shows during the Clone Wars sequences that include the Jedi Master and Jedi Knight. His distrust continued to include Emperor Palpatine after multiple dealings with the politics of the galactic senate in opposition to the decisions of the Jedi council. Also with the obvious preferential treatment of Jedi General Skywalker by the Emperer, Windu was one of the few Jedi that sensed something was not fight. Surviving the Clone Wars and memorable killing the clone origin, Jengo Fett, Windu was killed at the hands of Anakin and the Sith Lord Sidious.
Mace Windu Costume: The Basics
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