The Legend of Korra is the much acclaimed sequel to the hit mid 2000’s hit show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Also produced by and aired on Nickelodeon, the same two talented creators Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko worked on this show. Continuing with the anime-esque animation style, fans were hooked for the shows four seasons airing from 2012 to 2014. Encompassing the genes of action/adventure, fantasy, comedy and drama this show followed its predecessor in captivating children and adults alike. Critical reception for the show was even more positive than the original, with comparisons made to the acclaimed HBO show The Game of Thrones the various works of Hayao Miyazaki. This comparison further strengthened discussion of if the should be considered an anime work, namely because of the featured Asiatic-like world and the anime-American art style blend. A commercial success the show received praise for highlighting issues including social unrest, terrorism, race, gender and sexual identity. The show continues to follow the lives of part of the population who area able to “bend” elements using a complex type Chinese martial arts. These psychokinetic powers remain restricted to one element per group of people, or family. As stated in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series, there can only be one Avatar at a time, leading to the grimm reality that the former protagonist Aang must not be living for Korra to make her rise as the all-powerful Avatar. Based in a future after the conclusion of the events of the original series, Korra is similarily responsible for maintaining balance in the fictional society of Avatar, now confronted with “political and spiritual unrest in a modernizing world.”
Korra Costume: The Basics
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