Heath Ledger Joker Makeup: Step by Step Guide


To accomplish the Heath Ledger Joker impression you need a little more than makeup. For this process you will need: costume scars or other type of scar putty, white base makeup, black eye makeup, and red lip makeup.
1. First you will need to apply the costume scars to the mouth and cheek region. You will need to apply these thickly to get the desired visibility of the famous cheek scars.
2. Fortunately for the base white layer you will not have to be careful. Make sure to apply thickly to the hairline as you can see in the image the white extends to the top and sides of Ledgers hair. Tip: to get that weathered look, add some water to the white base makeup to get the runny drip look.
3. It will be easier to apply the red lip makeup before the eyes; the reason for this is if you did not apply the scar under-layer thick enough and you need to alter it and reapply some of the white second layer, you can do this without affecting the black layer. Do not worry about being precise with this part either, the more random and chaotic the lines are, the more authentic it will look. If you think that you can use lipstick for this part, I would caution against it, as lipstick will not give you the desired look.
4. For the black eye makeup you will want to use a water-soluble face paint that can give you the dripping effect. When applying this final step you will need to use Q-tips for the eyelid and immediately under the eye to avoid injury. For the rest of the eyes you will need to use a very sophisticated tool, your index finger. Rub the pad of the index finger of your dominant hand in a circular motion in the face paint and using a swiping motion start with placing the makeup on the lip of the eye (that way if you have clumps on your finger you can easily remove it and not affect the white paint on the forehead) and move outward. Notice that the black continues to cover Ledgers eyebrows, you can use this as a natural guideline to know not to paint above.

Costume Scars.

Costume Scars.

White Face Paint.

White Face Paint.

Liquid Red Makeup.

Liquid Red Makeup.

Black Face Paint.

Black Face Paint.