Childhood friends with Bruce Wayne, young Tommy Elliot is a delightfully complicated DC villain. As children Tommy would outwit Bruce in games of strategy, further adding to his developing cunning. Created as a symbolic mirror image of Bruce, Tommy was created as a child sociopath, even trying to kill his own parents to inherit their fortune providing a frightening foreshadowing to the Wayne tragedy. This plan was thwarted due to the surgical expertise of Dr. Thomas Wayne, who was able to save his mother. Blaming Bruce, Elliot plotted a life long revenge scheme. Becoming a surgeon himself, Dr. Thomas Elliot took on the crime visage of Hush, inspired by the child’s nursery rhyme “Hush, little baby” about a boy whose desires could not be met.
During his time Hush joined the ranks of Poison Ivy, The Joker, Killer Croc and many more Batman villains. Even in one comic story arc, almost killing several villain’s to work his way up in the ranks of Gotham underground.
When choosing to create a Hush Costume you will have a lot of fun assembling his wardrobe. Kind of like a cross between Rorschach and the 1940’s Mummy, this cosplay is both iconic and terrifying.
Hush Costume: The Basics
Here is what you will need to create your own DIY Hush Costume:
– Please note the variations in glove color choice depending on which comic version you want choose