Han Solo is one of the most iconic characters in the original Star Wars trilogy. First making an appearance on Luke’s home world of Tatooine, he and his co-pilot Chewbacca are hired by the exiled Obi Wan Kenobi. Originally portrayed as a gun for hire, one of his most iconic introductory scenes has been a topic of much debate. Featuring a heated discussion about money owed to Jabba the Hutt, in the original cut Han Solo shoots the messenger Greedo first, but this was changed to make him more of character that viewers could empathize with in later editions of the movie. Sparking the fan mantra of “Han Solo shoots first,” this has become a meme that carried through the later movies. Joining the Rebel Alliance and becoming an instrumental member in the galactic war against the Imperials, he befriends main character Luke and falls for his twin sister Leia. Described by George Lucas Han is “a loner who realizes the importance of being part of a group and helping for the common good.” Portrayed by the now household name, Harrison Ford, we are all waiting with bated breath for his reprise of this role in the new Disney produced trilogy.

Han Solo Costume: Prequel Trilogy

Han Solo Costume Deluxe.

Han Solo Costume Deluxe.

Han Solo Costume Set.

Han Solo Costume Set.

Mens Black Riding Boots.

Mens Black Riding Boots.

Black Belt.

Black Belt.

White V-Neck Quarter Sleeve Shirt.

White V-Neck Quarter Sleeve Shirt.

Mens Back Jeans.

Mens Back Jeans.

1/3 Scale Blaster Replica.

1/3 Scale Blaster Replica.

Han Solo Blaster Model Kit.

Han Solo Blaster Model Kit.

Han Solo Blaster Replica.

Han Solo Blaster Replica.

Brown Gun Belt and Holster.

Brown Gun Belt and Holster.

Han Solo Costume: Disney Trilogy

Black Leather Jacket.

Black Leather Jacket.

Off White/Ivory Collared Shirt.

Off White/Ivory Collared Shirt.

Han Solo Costume: Accessories

Han Solo Art FX Statue.

Han Solo Art FX Statue.

Han Solo Lego.

Han Solo Lego.

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