The Walking Dead originated as a horror-drama comic created by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard. Premiering as a comic book series, the one of a kind zombie drama gained immense popularity upon its release in 2003. Produced by Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment, they currently have planned 150 issues with no end in site. The series gained the attention by the TV station AMC which prompted its creation of The Walking Dead live-action series first released on October 31, 2010. Quickly gaining a ridiculously large fan following, the series has received consistently high scores on the Nielsen rating for ages 18-49 viewers. This unprecedented popularity for a drama-horror program has spurred the creation of a companion series titled “Fear the Walking Dead” set to premiere in summer 2015. As a show, it has been nominated for several awards from the Writers Guild of America for TV: New Series, and the Golden Globe Award for Best TV Series, Drama.
Centering around the treacherous life of main character Rick Grimes, the series begins after the fall of humanity and the rise of the “Walkers.” Set in a version of reality where the term and concept of “Zombie” was previously unknown the survivors of the first population purge have come to call the cannibalistic undead hoards. Rick was previously a Sheriffs Deputy in rural northern Georgia. Waking from a several month-long coma, he is unaware of the takeover that occurred outside the confines of his hospital bed. Searching for his lost family he goes to the most populated place, Atlanta. As you would imagine during a zombie apocalypse this is a huge mistake. After an extraordinarily close call he is saved by a voice on the other end of a walkie talkie. Navigating him to safety, Glenn is introduced to the cast as one of the original group of Walking Dead survivors. Integral to every plot line since, he meets and marries Maggie, one of Hershel’s daughters. He has become one of Rick’s most trusted allies and a deadly addition to the group.
Glenn Rhee Costume: The Basics
Glenn Rhee Costume: Riot Gear
Glenn Rhee Costume: Accessories
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