The lead character in the hit show Futurama, is introduced as a regular pizza delivery boy, aiding the cast of Planet Express delivery service to win dozens of Annie Awards and several Emmys’. Voiced by the super talented Billy West, who voices many of the characters on Futurama, Fry embodies West’s inner 20-something slacker. Full name Philip J. Fry, within the first few minutes of the pilot episode he falls into a cryogenic freezing chamber set to wake in year 2999. Upon waking he finds the new world order of assigning someone with a life-long occupation that is coded into your identity. Initially frightened at the prospect of being confined to one profession, he picked up his new role quickly as an intergalactic delivery boy. Soon finding that he is going to work for his elderly great-great-great… nephew Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, Fry soon meets Leela and his enthusiasm for the future reality is fully accepted. As their unrequited love affair unfolds, Fry and Leela get themselves in galaxy wide predicaments that are as entertaining as they are comical. The main character of this popular sitcom, the Fry Costume and accompanying Futurama cosplays are recognized everywhere.
Fry Costume: The Basics
Pulling off a successful cosplay and your own DIY Fry Costume requires a few key items, a bit of awkwardness and a lot of personality.
1. Basic Fry Costume
2. Red Wind Breaker Jacket
3. White Cotton Shirt
4. Black Sneakers with White Bases
5. White Shoelaces
6. Planet Express Sticker