Making a Deadpool costume is pretty simple. The great thing about this costume is that there are many versions of Deadpool’s costume so beyond the bodysuit anything here is fair game. For those who don’t know who deadpool is here is a short bio. Deadpool is Marvel Comic’s mentally unstable villain turned anti-hero. He’s known as the “Merc with a moth” due to his constant chatter. Deadpool is well known for breaking the fourth wall of whatever media he is in.
Deadpool Costume: Bodysuit and belts.
Deadpool’s bodysuit will be the easiest part of the costume. The lycra spandex which is sold as a “zentai suit” for the Deadpool costume can be easily found. The mask is removable from the rest of the suit making it easier for the wearer to eat and drink. The eyes of the suit use a see-through white mesh to see easier.
Much of the costume is made up of tactical belts and weapons. This makes a Deadpool costume fairly easy to make since much of the costume is online. Only a handful of parts would need to custom made or altered. For example the Deadpool buckle needs to be affixed to the tactical belt.
Finally, the part part which is arguably the most fun are the weapons. Deadpool has a huge arsenal of weapons at his disposal. He switches mostly from conventional firearms to bladed weapons, all of which can be easy found below. Here the cosplayer can use their discretion for what to add to the costume. Beyond that I’ve added a few more ideas to add to the costume such as grenades and combat boots. Feel free to use any of these to create the version of his costume that you have in mind.
Deadpool Costume: Accessories
As you may know, Deadpool is a common character to dress up as, while he is dressing up like something else. Below are some of our favorite cross over Deadpools and some humorous suggestions.