CT-7567 or more commonly known as “Rex” is one of the most popular Clone Soldiers on the hit animated shoe Star Wars: Clone Wars. He worked closely with General Anakin Skywalker, who is at the level of Jedi Master as well as his Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Leading the renowned 501st legion for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars he became known as one of the best Clone Troopers in the Grand Army. He was the second in command to General Skywalker and became close friends with fellow Clone Soldier Marshal Commander Cody. With Cody the second in command under General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Captain Rex and General Skywalker often fought with this fellow legion. Present since her first day on the battlefield, Rex became a mentor and teacher to Ahsoka Tano since fighting together in the Battle of Christophsis. Early on in the Clone Wars he was introduced to other popular Clone Soldiers Fives and Echo while confronting General Grievous at the Rishi Listening Station then at the battle of Kamino. His notable battles are many, including helping to contain the Blue Shadow Virus on Naboo, the liberation of Ryloth, the Battle of Malastare, and the Second Battle of Geonosis. While a resolute soldier, he showed humanity when meeting Clone deserter Cut Lawquane and his family while on planet Saleucami. Respected by both his fellow Clone Soldiers and the Jedi he fought with he was instrumental in the capture and death of traitor Jedi Pong Krell. Along with General Skywalker, Rex also helped rescue enslaved Togruta colonists from the Zygerrian Slave Empire and helped train local rebels on Onderon to retake their planet’s corrupt government. In the final events of the Clone Wars he helped pursue his close friend Clone Trooper Fives and saw the trial of Ahsoka Tano, this led him to relinquish command of the 501st before the rise of the galactic empire.
Captain Rex Costume: Adult Basics
Captain Rex Costume: DIY
Captain Rex Costume: Accessories
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